Source: archers_20130902-1920a.mp3
You are listening to Monday's episode of The Archers from BBC Radio 4.
Kathy. / Ah, hi, Martyn. How are you? / We need to talk. / Now, does that look straight to you? / What? / Or should that / corner / that's what I wanted to talk to you about. / Sorry? / The posters. What on earth are you doing sticking them around the place? / just / two down in the restaurant / Oh, really? I thought it was rather a good idea / Advertising afternoon teas? / it ... / Hardly. / it would be a way of / boosting our income / thinking about / Something I need to think about. / obviously / advertise externally, too. But it's very popular at the moment. I suppose / most people / afford / out / I know they do very well / Grey Gables / slavishly copy Grey Gables? / No, not at all. But it's important to see what they are doing. I often check their web site. They are advertising a cocktail evening / Wednesdays / that says it all. / I know / really / doesn't quite sound like Grey Gables to be honest. But still, they obviously feel that special events are the way to go. / is no good just cutting cost without / attract new customers, is it? / One little question, Kathy. / Yes? / Where exactly is the money coming from to finance these / bright / these teas and cocktail evenings / suggesting we had a cocktail evening. But afternoon tea would be perfect / need to focus on / before you even consider spending more money on your department. / You've already cut my waiting staff to the bone. And you haven't replaced the bar manager, Martyn. So, that has saved money, hasn't it? / only sensible / to do / splash out / rubbish buffei / non-paying event / money was no object as far as that was concerned. / The best thing for you to do, Kathy, and I speak from long experience, is to start / own area of responsibility / which is exactly what I'm doing. / Leave the big stuff / on top of the basics. / As far as sorting out my area of responsibility goes, I'm really not sure what else you expect me to do. / I think we'd better / this conversation later / present mood, we are obviously getting nowhere. / Right. / I've got a round of golf booked now. But I'll see you later. / pleased to hear / a few more ways to save some money. / wonderful. I can't wait.
OK. So, where would you want the carrots? / Oh, just stick them on the counter for now. / Right. ... Freshly lifted by my own fair hand. / OK, OK, don't overdo it. / with a little help, of course. / couldn't really see you crawling around on your hands and knees / but I was driving the tractor. / So, how are you, anyway? / OK. Yeah. / What's the latest from Bellingham's? Any change in sales, now that the promotion's finished? / going pretty well, they reckon / Oh, that's good news, then. / tell / getting the word out there. / Apart from my / tweeting / you mean? / yeah / Rob. He / dairy workers' accomodation / with some of my meals, just a sort of welcome gesture for new arrivals. / Oh, brilliant. / So, if they like them, / which they will, of course / some of them / buy them again. / better / marketing team / I think he might be / at the moment / got two more truckloads / arriving this week. / OK / maybe / we'd better / let him off then / yeah / At least / got / board / difference / I think so. Free labor, too. / Well, it'll be a great experience for them. / Definitely / staying / the caravan / using / they are gone now? / Yeah. / leaving do in The Bull last night / Jazzer said / a bit lively / Well, if Jazzer thought it was lively, it must have been quite a party. / I know. ... Ah well, better push off, I suppose / Don't fancy / do you? / lunch / yeah. great idea. / But no nick of my chips, OK? / like I get the chance.
I'll send you / drink / if you'd like to sit down. / Ah, Kathy, I hoped I'd find you here. / I thought I'd better lend a hand / glad to see it. / So, uh, how was your round of golf? / pretty good. / Huh / find how / I must say. / Sorry? / You are managing perfectly well without replacing the bar manager. Rather proves my point, doesn't it? / I hope / everyone is pitching in / which / excellent way of building team spirits. / keep up this pace indefinitely. / I'll have a scotch. / Oh. Right. / when / finish your stint / those issues I mentioned / a single, is it? / double while you are at it / no no no not that one. I'll try the malt. / ok / just put it on my tab. / Right. / don't you?
___'s really going for it. / Yeah? / Fallon says he keeps coming back / bags-full of berries / his feet yet, has he? / Not yet. Give him time, though. / Right. / He just disappears into the kitchen and starts brewing up all these strange concoctions. / Huh. ... So, he's entering it in to the Flower and Produce show? / yeah / last year's batch. Not the new stuff. Apparently it takes time to reach its full potential. / Right. ... Well, I didn't know / home-made wine b__. / recipe / see / was absolutely lethal. Me and Fallon sampled some of it the other night. I think / just recovering. ... Oh, no. / What's the matter? / see the menu board. They've got chocolate fudge cake on today. / Uh ... that's ... bad, is it? / It is, yeah. / absolutely gorgeous, especially with the special saurce they do. / I'm not having any. Don't let me, will you? / OK. I'll try. / Yeah / Fallon reckons / wedding / well / sounds like / berry-wine / should / category / all of its own. / certainly / out___ing / OK. So, what's up? / Eh? / Huh, come on. There's definitely something. I can always tell. And you haven't even tried to nick my chips. / Uh, it's nothing, really. / Yes, it is. Well, you think it is, anyway. / Well, it's just this thing with Bellingham's. / Huh huh? / Since they stopped / promotion offer, well, sales has dropped. / Really? So, what / they didn't seem to be that bothered, to be honest. / they say, it happens, and, usually sales pick up again, although it / a bit of time, of course. / in that case, you shouldn't be too d___ about it, should you? You just have to play a waiting game. / That's the trouble. / How do you mean? / I feel like I might have jumped a gun a bit. / OK / made a snap decision. / What? / This is sounding serious. / better go for / chocolate fudge cake after all.
___ have a top up for that. Coffee. / if you'd like to pass your cup. / Here you go. / Enough? / Mm. ... Thanks. / So, uh, would you like your lunch bill, Martyn? I've got it ready for you. / just add it to my tab. / Right. / Now, perhaps / run through those issues I mentioned earlier. / I thought we were going to discuss / when / behind the bar / I'm afraid / other business to attend to / fine / golf club is now one of my more pressing concerns. / So, what are these issues, exactly, Martyn? / I've been checking through the evening takings. / Yeah, right. / I'm afraid I noticed a rather worrying trend. / What was that? / over the last few nights / you've given away quite a few bottles of wine and even the odd free meal. / yes / a perfectly reasonable explanation for that / Oh? Is there? / Customers have been complaining about the service. There was / obvious way to / compensate them for less-than-perfect dining experience. / you need to address / service, don't you, rather than hand outexpensive freebees to / The problems are all down to the fact that / been reduced. We have to keep the customers happy somehow or they won't come back. / You really need to work on your attitude to change, Kathy. / I beg pardon? / I'm afraid / very resistant to it / Well, hardly. I am merely pointing out that we can't keep up this sort of pace / I'd like / solutions / problems you keep presenting me with. ... It really would help me if you gave that some serious thought. / ... Unbelievable.
I shouldn't have upped my production figures. That's what it boils down to. / Maybe not. / Ooh, what an idiot. / It's not a total disaster though, is it? / It feels like it. / OK. / stuck / more than you can sell at the moment. / Ooo, don't remind me. / but all your meals / decent shelf-life on them don't they? / True. / So, you are not actually losing money, are you? / Not yet, no. / Oh, I'm stuffed. Are you finishing yours? / Uh, it's delicious, but I've had enough. / OK. So, go on, then. / What do you mean? / Well, there's obviously something else bothering you. / OK. The worst thing is ... / The worst thing is? / Well, I've got a bit of cash-flow problem. / how did that happen? / Bellingham's are late-paying me. / own bill stacking up / urgent / I really need to / in the seven days. / Jazzer / Maurice / just for starters / so, how much do you reckon / all together? / I'd say I'm about 1200 pound short until / payment comes in / that's so annoying / keeping you waiting / there's nothing I can do about it. / It seems so wrong, though. / they are not exactly / strapped for cash, are they? / It's how they operate. / So, maybe you should talk to your mom and dad about it. / I don't know. I feel really bad going to them / cap in hand / only asking them to help out temporarily, isn't it? It'd be like a bridging loan. / I know. / But you don't like the thought of it? / Well, I'm supposed to be running an independent business. I'm always telling / I know what I'm doing / Well, you do, most of the time. / But, what if they think / mummy and daddy to bail me out / with a slightest sign of trouble? / I can see why it goes against the grain. / to prove to them I can cope. And this isn't gonna do / is it? / So, what other option have you got? / It'd only be a temporary loan, wouldn't it? / I guess so. / So, it sounds like you'll have to bite the bullet. What would you reckon? / Yeah, you are right. ___'s my only option.